Friday, 28 October 2011

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Monday, 24 October 2011

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By:  My Teacher A.J. Hoge

Sunday, 23 October 2011

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MOTIVATION: Emotional Mastery Vocabulary Text

Okay, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for “Emotional Mastery.
” Let’s get started. First let’s talk about posture. Posture. So posture means the position of your body, it’s how you stand or sit. So we talk about good posture, for example. Good posture means your shoulders are
back. Your back is straight, your chin is up. That’s what we usually call good posture. And bad posture would mean, you know again, you’re leaning forward. Your shoulders are forward. Your back is not straight. So again, posture just means the position of your body, how you position your body. How you hold your body, that’s posture.

Another word is grin. A grin can be a noun, it’s a thing. Or it can be a verb, it’s
something you do. So to grin means to smile, but to smile in a big way. When you grin,
you’re not using a small smile. You’re using a very, very big smile. Again, it’s also a
noun so if you have a very big smile on your face, we say that is a grin. He has a big
grin. You could use both, I guess. You could say he is grinning a big grin. Okay, so
grin again is a large smile or the act of doing a large smile.

Another phrase I used was “tends to be.” He tends to be an angry person. Tends to be
means usually is. So he usually is an angry person. He tends to be an angry person.
So it’s something that usually happens, usually is true, mostly is true. But not always,
not always. So I could say, Tomoe tends to be happy. It means she usually is happy.
It’s her normal thing to do or normal thing to feel. But not always, sometimes she’s not
happy. So tends to be, usually is or often is or mostly is.

Okay, another word I used was shifting. Shifting your body and the verb is to shift. To
shift your body means to move it. It really means kind of to change its position. A shift
is a change of position. So if I have my head down and then I shift it, then maybe I
move it to a different position. Now it’s up. I shifted from down to up. We use this in
other areas, not just body. You can use it for driving, for example. When you’re driving
you can shift from first gear to second gear. Or reverse, you’re going backwards, then
you stop, you shift the car and you change and you go forward. So again, you’re
changing the gear’s position. Okay, so shift is a change in position.

I used the word shallow, shallow breath or shallow breathing. And I also used the word
deep, deep breathing or a deep breath. So they’re opposites, of course. Deep, we also
use this with water, for example. Deep water means water that goes down very far.
Shallow water means water that’s not very deep, right? It’s the opposite, water that
does not go down far. So shallow breathing is the same idea. It means breathing that
is very small, that doesn’t go down into your body very much. So…that’s shallow
breathing, right? It’s small little breaths. The air does not go down deep into the body.
That is shallow breath or shallow breathing. And the opposite is deep. Deep breathing
is…right, the air goes down into my body very far, very deeply. But shallow…does not
go deeply. Okay, so we use this a lot with breathing. Shallow breathing and deep
breathing, they’re opposites.

Another word I used is force, to force, using it as a verb, an action. To force something
or to force yourself to do something. It’s a very common phrase. The whole thing
again, to force yourself to do something. For example, force yourself to smile. So force
means to try hard. It has an idea that you don’t want to do it but you do it anyway. You
make yourself do something difficult. You make yourself do something maybe you don’t
want to do. So you use effort. You use your energy. You use your power to do
something. So when you force something it’s the opposite of really relaxed. It’s the
opposite of doing it effortlessly. So force yourself to smile means use your energy.
Make yourself smile, even if you don’t want to. Use energy. Force it. Try hard to smile.
So that’s to force yourself to do something.

Another word I used is depressed or depression. So depression is the noun, depressed
is the feeling, it’s an adjective. Like I feel depressed, it’s how you feel. So depressed
means very, very sad. Feeling very, very sad and bad about yourself, about your life,
about everything. So if you say “I’m sad,” usually that’s more specific, you have a
reason. I’m sad about something. I’m sad because I lost my job. But if you’re
depressed, it’s a very more general kind of feeling. You’re depressed about everything
usually. “I’m depressed because I lost my job and I have no money and I don’t have a
girlfriend,” many reasons. Depression is deeper than just sadness.

So again, to be depressed, you say “I am depressed” or “I have depression.” This is a
general kind of rule in English. It’s not always, but generally we say “I have a noun…a
thing.” I have depression. Not I have depressed. Say, I have depression. But if you’re
talking about an adjective, then you use “am”. I am depressed. They mean basically
the same thing. I have depression means I have the feeling of being depressed. I am
depressed is more common. It just means I feel very, very, very sad.

Okay, well that is the end of the vocabulary lesson for “Emotional Mastery.”

By: A.J Hoge

MOTIVATION: Emotional Mastery Mini-Story Text

Okay, welcome to the mini‑story for “Emotional Mastery.” Let’s get started.
* * * * *
Vanilla wanted to be rich.
Who wanted to be rich?
Vanilla, Vanilla wanted to be rich.
Who was Vanilla?
Vanilla was a beautiful, intelligent woman.
What kind of woman was Vanilla?
She was a beautiful, intelligent woman.
And what did she want?
She wanted to be rich.
She said “Show me the money.”
What did she say?
She said “Show me the money.”
Who wanted a lot of money?
Vanilla, Vanilla wanted a lot of money.
She was beautiful. She was intelligent. But, unfortunately, she was poor. So
Vanilla went to Las Vegas. She went to Las Vegas to get rich.
Where did she go?
Las Vegas.
Why did she go to Las Vegas?
To get rich, of course, she went to Las Vegas to get rich.
Who went to Las Vegas to get rich?
Vanilla, Vanilla went to Las Vegas to get rich.
She walked into Caesar’s Palace.
Where did she go?
Caesar’s Palace, she walked into Caesar’s Palace.
Did she run into Caesar’s Palace or did she walk into Caesar’s Palace?
She walked, she walked calmly into Caesar’s Palace.
What is Caesar’s Palace?
It’s a casino.
Caesar’s Palace is a casino.
Did Vanilla go to a casino in Japan?
No, no, no, no, no. She didn’t go to a casino in Japan. She went to a casino in Las
What was the casino’s name?
Caesar’s Palace, the casino’s name was Caesar’s Palace.
And where was it?
Las Vegas, it was in Las Vegas.
She walked into Caesar’s Palace with a big grin on her face.
Was Vanilla happy or sad?
She was happy. She had a big grin on her face. A big, huge smile.
Was she grinning or was she frowning?
She was grinning. She had a big smile on her face. She was grinning.
Who, who was grinning?
Vanilla, Vanilla was grinning.
When was she grinning?
When she walked into Caesar’s Palace, when she walked into Caesar’s Palace she
was grinning.
Well, because she thought she was going to become rich.
She was grinning because she thought she was going to become rich. In fact,
she knew she was going to become rich.
Why was she grinning?
Because she knew she was going to become rich.
She walked to the blackjack table.
Which table did she walk to?
The blackjack table, she walked to the blackjack table.
Did she walk to the poker table?
No, no, no, no, no, no, not the poker table. She walked to the blackjack table.
Who walked to the blackjack table?
Vanilla, Vanilla walked to the blackjack table.
What was she doing when she walked to the blackjack table?
She was grinning, of course. She was grinning when she walked to the blackjack table.
She took out money from her pocket.
How much money did she take out of her pocket?
She took $6,000.00 out of her pocket.
Where did she take it out of?
Out of her pocket, she took $6,000.00 out of her pocket.
Whose pocket?
Vanilla’s, Vanilla’s pocket, of course. Her own pocket. She took $6,000.00 out of her
own pocket.
She put the money on the table. She bet all of the money on the first game.
How much money did she bet?
Well, all of it, all $6,000.00. She bet all $6,000.00.
And did she win or did she lose?
Well, Vanilla lost.
Vanilla lost all her money. She was really, really poor. She cried, “Oh no, I lost all
my money.”
What about Warren Buffett?
Huh, who’s Warren Buffett?
Warren Buffett is the richest man in the world.
Does Warren Buffett play blackjack?
Warren Buffett does not play blackjack.
What does he do?
He buys stocks.
He buys what?
He buys stocks. Stocks are parts of companies, like a piece of a company. So Warren
Buffett buys stocks. He goes to New York and buys stocks.
So Warren Buffett went to New York at the same time that Vanilla went to Las
When Vanilla was in Las Vegas, where was Warren Buffett?
New York, he was in New York. Warren Buffett was in New York when Vanilla was in
Las Vegas.
Did Warren Buffett lose money in New York or make money?
He made money.
He made $60 billion.
How much money did Warren Buffett make?
He made $60 billion.
How much did Vanilla make?
Zero, she made no money. In fact, she lost money. Vanilla lost $6,000.00. Warren
Buffett made $60 billion.
Did Vanilla grin?
Well no.
First she cried. But then she changed her physiology. She pulled back her
shoulders. She put her chin up. And she grinned. She said “I will become rich.”
Did Warren Buffett grin after he made $60 billion?
No, he didn’t grin, he frowned.
Warren Buffett always frowns.
Who frowned?
Warren Buffett frowned.
And who grinned?
Well, Vanilla grinned. She cried and then she grinned.
Next, Vanilla went to Alaska.
Why did she go to Alaska?
She went to Alaska to dig for gold.
What did she want to do?
She wanted to dig for gold.
Who wanted to dig for gold?
Vanilla, Vanilla wanted to dig for gold.
So she got a shovel and she started to dig. Every day she dug for gold, five days,
ten days, digging for gold, digging for gold. After sixty days, her back hurt.
Why did Vanilla’s back hurt?
Because she had bad posture, of course.
Vanilla had bad posture while she was digging.
Did she have good posture or did she have bad posture?
Vanilla had bad posture while she was digging.
What kind of posture did Vanilla have?
Bad, she had bad posture.
Was her back straight or was it bent?
It was bent. Her back was bent. She had bad posture while she was digging for gold.
Where did she have bad posture?
Well, in Alaska, she had bad posture in Alaska while she was digging for gold.
When, when did she have bad posture?
While she was digging for gold.
After ninety days, Vanilla’s back hurt and she had no money. She started to cry
“Oh, my back hurts. And I have no money.”
Did she cry, did she feel bad, was she depressed?
Yes, Vanilla was depressed.
How did she feel?
Was she super‑sad?
Yes, she was depressed.
Why was Vanilla depressed?
Because her back hurt and she had no money.
But then Vanilla changed. She changed her posture again. She smiled. She
brought her shoulders back. She breathed deeply. She said “I will become rich.”
So she went to Singapore.
Where did Vanilla go next?
Singapore, that’s right, of course. Singapore, she went to Singapore.
Why did she go to Singapore?
Well, it’s obvious.
She went to Singapore to start a chili business.
What kind of business did she start?
A chili business, not a cold business. Chili, c-h-i-l-i, little pepers that you eat, very spicy.
She started a chili business.
Okay, so she grew chilis in her apartment. She grew chilis, hot chilis, in her
apartment and sold them to restaurants.
So she grew broccoli in her apartment and she sold them to restaurants?
Not broccoli, chilis, not broccoli…chilis. She grew chilis in her apartment and she sold
them to restaurants.
What did she sell?
Chilis, hot chilis, she sold hot chilis to restaurants.
In which city?
Singapore. In Singapore she sold hot chilis to restaurants.
Where did she grow the chilis?
She grew them in her apartment. She grew them in her apartment then she sold them
to restaurants.
What did she sell to restaurants?
Hot chilis, she sold hot chilis to restaurants.
So, what did Vanilla want?
Vanilla wanted to be rich.
Where did she go first?
Las Vegas, she first went to Las Vegas. She played blackjack. She lost all her money.
Where did she go next?
She went to Alaska, she dug for diamonds and she got a bad painful back?
No, no, no, no, no, she didn’t dig for diamonds. She dug for gold. She went to Alaska,
she dug for gold. But her posture was bad so her back hurt. No money and a painful
back. And finally she went to Singapore. She grew hot chilis in her apartment and sold
them to restaurants.
And she made $28 billion. She became the Queen of Hot Chilis…the Asian Queen
of Hot Chilis. Vanilla became super‑rich. She got the money.
Did Vanilla become super‑rich?
Oh yes, she did.
How much money did she make? $26 billion?
Oh no.
$27 billion?
No, no, no. $28 billion, Vanilla made $28 billion. She was beautiful. She was
intelligent. And finally, she was super‑rich.
* * * * *
Okay, that is the end of the mini‑story for “Emotional Mastery.” How about you? Was
your posture good during this lesson? Were you smiling? Were you
breathing deeply…? Were you moving your body? I hope so.


By: A.J Hoge

Friday, 21 October 2011

MOTIVATION: Emotional Mastery in Learning English

How can you manage your emotions, how can you control,
I don’t like the word control, but let’s just say manage your emotions so that you feel better and stronger while you’re learning English. So it’s easy to say that “Oh, feel good
when you’re learning English,” but unfortunately a lot of people feel bad when they’re learning English. A lot of people feel bored. Or maybe just in your life in general, you’re
tired, you’re working hard, and it’s difficult to learn English also and still feel energetic and happy.

There are two keys to emotional mastery. One is your physiology, again it’s your body, how you use and manage your body. And second is your focus, your mental focus. Now a lot of this comes from again Tony Robbins and Joe Vitale and some other peak performance coaches so I’m using their information and I’m applying it, I’m focusing it on this process of learning English and how can you take those ideas and use them to increase your English learning power, so you learn faster,
so that you speak better. So again we have two ways to manage our emotions. One is physiology, through the body. And the other is through focus, mental focus. What you
think about again and again and again.

By: My Teacher A.J. Hoge

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