How can you manage your emotions, how can you control,
I don’t like the word control, but let’s just say manage your emotions so that you feel better and stronger while you’re learning English. So it’s easy to say that “Oh, feel good
when you’re learning English,” but unfortunately a lot of people feel bad when they’re learning English. A lot of people feel bored. Or maybe just in your life in general, you’re
tired, you’re working hard, and it’s difficult to learn English also and still feel energetic and happy.
There are two keys to emotional mastery. One is your physiology, again it’s your body, how you use and manage your body. And second is your focus, your mental focus. Now a lot of this comes from again Tony Robbins and Joe Vitale and some other peak performance coaches so I’m using their information and I’m applying it, I’m focusing it on this process of learning English and how can you take those ideas and use them to increase your English learning power, so you learn faster,
so that you speak better. So again we have two ways to manage our emotions. One is physiology, through the body. And the other is through focus, mental focus. What you
think about again and again and again.
By: My Teacher A.J. Hoge
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